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Sherrard Roe partner Bill Harbison will lead as Tennessee Bar Association President-Elect in 2015-2016

June 23, 2014   |   SRVH Law

Harbison was elected TBA vice president in 2013 and served in that role during the 2013-2014 bar year. He will serve one year as president-elect and then will assume the office of president in June 2015.

Harbison says he hopes to use his time as TBA president to build on access to justice initiatives put in motion by past presidents. These included efforts to educate leaders about the need for pro bono service, expand the number and type of opportunities available for volunteer lawyers to provide pro bono service, and inform the public about available assistance. The initiative also promoted collaborations with local and county bar organizations and with the Tennessee Supreme Court to improve access to justice for the poor. Harbison also says he will be using the next two years to develop additional priorities.

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