Making the Most of Discovery: What You Don’t Know Can Come Back to Haunt You [Nashville]

February 25, 2016   |   SRVH Law

Mike Abelow, Amy Mohan, and litigation paralegal Mallory Smith will present “Making the Most of Discovery: What You Don’t Know Can Come Back to Haunt You.” How much is too much? Is one of the many questions in the maze of discovery. This program covers many levels of written discovery and e-discovery. Presenters will cover best practices, using investigators to verify information, effective use of subpoenas, enforcement and dealing with difficult counsel. A session on social media discovery will help you with Internet searches. Discussion  on  alternatives  to  written  discovery  will  include  site  inspection,  deposition  by interrogatories, and physical exam versus independent medical exams. The TBA sponsored seminar will take place April 7th at 8:30 a.m. at the Tennessee Bar Center. For more detailed information and to register for this event, visit the TBA website.

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