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Chris Sabis Co-Authors “A Proposed Approach to Arbitrator Independent Legal Research”

January 28, 2025   |   Aimee Moore

Firm member Chris Sabis co-authored an article recently published in the The Brief,  the American Bar Association’s magazine for lawyers practicing tort and insurance law.

“A Proposed Approach to Arbitrator Independent Legal Research” examines whether it’s appropriate for an arbitrator to conduct independent legal research in domestic arbitrations without the express authorization of the parties. Sabis and his co-author, Gail Vaughn Ashworth, address the ethical and legal considerations for arbitrators—especially attorneys—who may be considering doing independent legal research during an arbitration and consider various arguments and recommendations in proposing an approach to independent legal research by arbitrators that consider both efficiency in the arbitration process and the quality of arbitration rulings and awards.

Sabis and Ashworth will be speaking on the topic at the 2025 ABA Dispute Resolution Spring Conference on April 25-26, 2025 in Chicago.

The Brief is published quarterly for members of the ABA’s Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Sections (TIPS) and features articles of interest to plaintiffs and defense lawyers and in-house counsel who practice in the areas of personal injury, torts, and insurance law. Articles offer in-depth treatment of the many facets of tort and insurance law, including emerging issues and recent legal developments.

Chris Sabis concentrates his practice in government investigations, litigation, white collar litigation, and alternative dispute resolution. Much of his work involves fraud and abuse matters, with particularly extensive experience defending and mediating False Claims Act (FCA) cases involving allegations of healthcare and procurement fraud. He defends a wide range of clients in white-collar fraud investigations, commercial litigation, and government investigations.

READ: “A Proposed Approach to Arbitrator Independent Legal Research”

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