Chambers Expands Sherrard Roe Rankings in 2022 Guide
June 3, 2022 | Trish Gordon
Chambers and Partners, the premier independent global attorney and law firm rankings guide, published its 2022 edition recognizing nine Sherrard Roe Voigt & Harbison attorneys and four practice areas. John Farringer makes his debut on the list in Litigation: General Commercial. The four practice areas that maintained their rankings are Corporate/Mergers & Acquisitions (Band 3), Healthcare (Band 3), Litigation: General Commercial (Band 2), and Real Estate (Band 2). The firm is honored to be named among the most respected in Tennessee.
Ten attorneys are recognized for outstanding legal work and client service in their fields.
Corporate/Mergers & Acquisitions
Thomas J. Sherrard III (Senior Statespeople) and Chris Whitson (Band 3)
John R. Voigt (Senior Statespeople)
Litigation: General Commercial
L. Webb Campbell (Band 2), William L. Harbison (Band 1), and John Farringer (Band 3)
Real Estate
C. Mark Carver (Band 2) and John H. Roe (Senior Statespeople); and Kim A. Brown (Band 2)
Banking and Finance
Kim A. Brown (Band 1)
Chambers USA ranks the leading firms and lawyers in an extensive range of practice areas throughout America. Companies and organizations throughout the US and worldwide depend on the in-depth and client-focused research guide. Rankings are determined through a comprehensive information gathering process that includes independent research and interviews with clients and attorneys.