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Amy Mohan Moderates Tennessee Innocence Project Program on Wrongful Conviction

March 8, 2022   |   Trish Gordon

On March 15, 2022, Sherrard Roe Voigt & Harbison member Amy Mohan will moderate “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: How the Tennessee Innocence Project & the Davidson County District Attorney Review Wrongful Conviction Cases.” Presented by the Lawyers’ Association for Women – Marion Griffin Chapter, the program will explore how lawyers on both sides of the criminal justice system work towards a common goal.

Mohan will facilitate the conversation between Jessica Van Dyke, Executive Director and Lead Counsel at The Tennessee Innocence Project, and Sunny Eaton, Director of the Conviction Review Unit for the Office of the District Attorney in Nashville, Tennessee. Click here for more information and to register for the virtual program.

As founder and chair of the firm’s Crisis Management and Media Relations practice group, Mohan helps businesses and individuals with civil and criminal matters or outside of a litigation context. She frequently speaks and writes on crisis management and media relations issues. Mohan serves as an Advisory Council member for the Tennessee Innocence Project and has volunteered her time with them since its founding in 2019.

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